The WSRT is pleased to announce the following speakers and topics for 2018
Thursday, April 12
8:00a - 8:50a Communicating with the Alzheimer Patient – Richard Fucillo, RT(R)(CT)
9:00a - 09:50a Brain Bleeds - Helene Lhamon, MD
9:50a - 10:10a Break
10:10a -11:00a Beyond Fever/Cough - Indications for a Chest X-ray – Helene Lhamon, MD
11:10a - 12:00p Imaging to Improve Surgical Outcomes - John Hassapis, MD
12:00p - 1:30p Students and Technologists - Lunch and Business Meeting
1:30p - 2:20p CT Virtual Colonoscopy – Richard Fucillo, RT(R)(CT)
2:30p - 3:20p Improving the Healthcare Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Patients– Amanda Bolderston, RT(T), MSc, FCAMRT
Friday, April 13
8:00a - 8:50a Aspire to Lead – Sam Yount, EMTP
9:00a – 9:50 a Ethics and You – Richard Fucillo, RT(R)(CT)
9:50a – 10:10a Break
10:10a - 11:00a Inside the NFL From A Radiology Standpoint - Anthony Anderson, RT(R), CMS Imaging
11:10a – 12:00p Dangers of Laundry Detergent Pods – Helen Murphy, M.Ed., RT(R) and Tony Lopez, RT(R)
12:00p - 1:30p Students and Technologists - Lunch and Business Meeting
1:30p - 2:20p Multi System Trauma – Sam Yount, EMTP
2:30p - 3:20p 3D Extremity CT For Weight-bearing Studies– Darryl Sonenstein – Carestream
Saturday, April 14
8:00a - 8:50a Imaging the Brain and Criminal Mind – Richard Fucillo, RT(R)(CT)
9:00a – 9:50 a Communication and Patient Care – J. Douglas Harrell, PT
9:50a – 10:10a Break
10:10a - 11:00a EQUIP and Beyond: Assuring Quality in Mammography Everyday - Kathleen M. Willison, RT(R)(M) - VolparaSolutions, Inc.
11:10a – 12:00p Let's Talk About....Death - J Douglas Harrell, PT
12:00p - 1:00p Students and Technologists - Lunch and Business Meeting
1:00p - 1:50p Strange But True Research Technology – Anthony Anderson, RT(R), CMS Imaging
2:00p - 2:50p Non-Imaging Instrumentation: It’s the little Things That Count – Kathy Thomas, MHA, R.T. (R)(N)(CT) ARRT