Thursday, April 24
1 category “A” credit will be given for each 50-minute presentation.
7:30a - 8:30a Registration
8:15a - 8:30a Welcome and Opening Remarks- Asa McDonald, WSRT President
8:30a - 9:20a Pediatric Restraint – Asa McDonald
9:30a - 10:20a Patient Care: Understanding How Sensory Can Cause “Behavior” - Darlene Logan OTR/L
10:20a- 10:40a 20 min Break
10:40a -11:30a Mandated Reporting – Angie Stephens-Adamek CPS/FAR/FVS Supervisor
11:40a -12:30p Infectious Disease: TB – Dr. Gutierrez
12:30p - 2:00p Students and Technologists - Lunch and Business Meeting
2:00p - 2:50p Ballistics- Bullets & Bones - Sam Yount, South Pierce Fire & Rescue, Assistant Chief/MSO, EMTP
3:00p - 3:50p Evolving Perspective on Healthcare Quality – Blake Edwards, Chief Quality & Compliance Officer
3:50p - 4:20p Certificate Verification
5:30p - 7:00p Marcy Barnes Knowledge Bowl
Friday, April 25
1 category “A” credit will be given for each 50-minute presentation.
7:45a - 8:15a Registration
8:15a - 8:30a Welcome and Opening Remarks- Asa McDonald, WSRT President
8:30a - 9:20a Active Shooter - Sam Yount, South Pierce Fire & Rescue, Assistant Chief/MSO, EMTP Need CV
9:30a -10:20a Compassion Fatigue and Wellbeing for Healthcare Workers – Christine Wineberg, Psy.D.
10:20a - 10:40a 20 min Break
10:40a - 11:30a Suicide Awareness for Medical Personnel – Julie Rickard, Ph.D.
11:40a - 12:30p Chasing ALARA: Non-Compliance Findings - DOH Grey Pickett, MHP Radiation Health Physicist
12:30p - 2:00p Students and Technologists - Lunch and Business Meeting
2:00p - 2:50p The Value of Mentoring – SCORE - Ken Mattson
3:00p - 3:50p TBD – Unknown
3:50p - 4:20p Certificate Verification
Saturday, April 26
1 category “A” credit will be given for each 50-minute presentation.
7:15a - 7:45a Registration
7:45a - 8:00a Welcome and Opening Remarks- Asa McDonald, WSRT President
8:00a - 8:50a Best Equipment Practices from Service Engineer Perspective – Rick Dunlap
9:00a - 9:50a Bellyaches and Back Ups – Dr. Tanaka
9:50a - 10:10a 20 min Break
10:10a - 11:00a Understanding Pediatric Development: Age-Appropriate Strategies for Imaging – Sarah Elizabeth MacKay, MD, MH
11:10a - 12:00p How Imaging Impacts Throughput – Are You Using the Right Information? – Dr. Amanda Garlock, DHA, CRA, R.T.(R)(MR)
12:00p - 1:00p Lunch
1:00p - 1:50p Best Practice Pediatric Imaging – Dr. Mahesa Thapa
2:00p - 2:50p Considerations in Digital Fluoroscopy Imaging – Billie Brush
2:50p - 3:20p Certificate Verification